Racist Dollar General shooting was supposed to be a racist school shooting
A few weeks ago, a mass shooting took place at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida. 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter of Clay County was armed with an AR-15 style rifle along with a Glock handgun. He started shooting from outside the store before moving inside. Inside the store, Palmeter shot and killed 52-year-old Angela Michelle Carr, 19-year-old Anolt Joseph “AJ” Laguerre Jr., and 29-year-old Jerrald Gallion. Police approached as he tried to leave, but instead of surrendering, Palmeter took the coward’s way out by taking his own life with a self-inflicted gunshot.
As you’ve also probably heard, the motive in the shooting was clear as day. Palmeter was a self-avowed white supremacist. From the swastikas painted on his AR-15, the preferred gun of racist cowards, to his online ramblings where he said he wanted to kill rappers Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly for being ‘race traitors’. Palmeter used a much more vitriolic term than race traitor that I won’t use.
These market mass shootings are sadly nothing new. I’ve posted about two of them previously. The first one was the one in Buffalo, New York, in the Spring of last year, and the other one happened in Bend, Oregon, a few months later. The Jacksonville shooting is an amalgamation of both of those shootings.
The Buffalo shooting was committed by someone I dubbed a racist assclown. The Bend shooting was committed by a 20-year-old would-be school shooter who couldn’t wait for school to open before committing a mass shooting. Palmeter wanted to be a school shooter by choice, but became a market shooter by circumstance.
Palmeter’s first target was Edward Waters University, a historically Black college or university, otherwise known as an HBCU. He was spotted parked outside the University putting on his tactical gloves and vest. I guess he just had to get his Gravy Seal cosplay on, or Meal Team Six, whichever you prefer. Students of the school noticed him and notified a nearby police officer. Palmeter took off in his vehicle when the officer approached. It seems like Palmeter didn’t back the blue. After fleeing from the University, Palmeter stormed a Dollar General, which is a mile away from the University.
While it’s almost a cliché at this point, it still has to be asked. Why do these troglodytes, who think they belong to a master race, almost always look like this?
And yes, it can be confirmed, he did live with his parents in neighboring Clay County. No word if he was an actual basement dweller. From what I understand, it’s difficult and unwise to make basements in Florida.
He might as well have lived in a basement because he had the obligatory love for previous mass murderers such as Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, far-right Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik, and Virginia Tech school shooter Cho Seung-Hui. His admiration of Cho kind of surprises me, since Cho isn’t what you would call white. Maybe he considered Cho, and possibly East-Asians in general, as ‘the good ones’.
Of course, I have to add my own pet theory and have to wonder if Palmeter was a columbiner. If you’re new to my content, a columbiner is someone who has an admiration for the shooters of the Columbine High School shooting in 1999.
My reasoning behind this is specious at best, but I can’t shake it. Columbine coward Eric Harris is said to have an admiration for Timothy McVeigh, while Cho Seung-Hui had an admiration for Harris. So, I have to wonder if Palmeter also had an admiration for Harris and his cowardly cohort Dylan Klebold, or is Palmeter just the next in an evolution of cowards.
And we can’t talk about a mass shooting without talking about the guns. As previously mentioned, Palmeter was armed with an AR-15 that had swastikas painted on it, along with a Glock handgun.
In 2017, Palmeter was involuntarily committed under Florida’s Baker Act. The Baker Act is Florida’s red-flag law, which could see someone’s guns seized by police if they’re considered a danger. Being committed under the Baker Act can adversely affect someone’s ability of legally owning firearms in the future, but it doesn’t ban them from doing so.
And let’s face it, this is Florida we’re talking about. I’m sure there are plenty of living room, backyard and gun show dealers who don’t give a crap about background checks.
Even if he got his guns in less than legal ways, this is America, where we coined the phrase ‘ain’t nothin’ gonna happen’ because when it comes to guns it won’t.