Oklahoma college shooting shows the true difference between a hero and a coward
20-year-old RJ Long, Jr. was a US Marine who was attending Rose State College in Midwest City, Oklahoma. On April 24th of this year, he was gunned down on the campus of Rose State by 30-year-old Brandon Morrissette. Morrissette is not to be confused with the 18-year-old Brandon Morrissette from the foiled West Geauga High School shooting plot. Isn’t that ironic?
This was not a random shooting. Morrissette believed his wife was having an affair with RJ Long. Morrissette’s wife was also a student of Rose State and a friend of Long’s. As Long and his classmate were exiting classes, they were confronted by Morrissette. Sometime during the confrontation, Morrissette drew his SIG Sauer P365 semi-automatic pistol, shooting and killing Long.
Morrissette was almost immediately beset upon by police, where he got on his knees and shouted, “I surrender. I surrender.”
Morrissette’s wife indicated to police her husband was the shooter. She also told police her husband was controlling of her life and had anger issues. The story doesn’t end there, though, but we’ll pick up on that in a little bit.
By all accounts, RJ Long was the stereotypical clean cut All-American boy. Not only was he a Marine and a college student, but he was also dedicated to helping his community. When local news station KFOR went out into the community to interview Long’s friends and family, scores of people showed up to share their memories of him. His family even stressed they didn’t want RJ to be defined by the shooting, but by the joy he brought into others’ lives.
Morrissette, on the other hand, is what can only be described as a coward, and I’m being kind with my language, as I’d like to call him a lot more.
As previously mentioned, Morrissette’s wife reported to police her husband was controlling and had anger issues. He obviously also had trust issues with his wife. Whether he was violent with her or not, this makes him a domestic abuser. Mental domestic abuse can be just as traumatizing as physical abuse. That’s not even considering the only way he could address his insecurities was with a gun. All of these are the signs of the lowliest of cowards. But wait, there’s more.
During their investigation, police found explicit images of underage girls on Morrissette’s cell phone. So, while he was stewing over his wife possibly having an affair, which she wasn’t, he was allegedly downloading child porn. I think we’ve just witnessed the world record for the sheer amount of hypocrisy one man can produce. But let’s not gloss over the fact he was also victimizing children by viewing these images. Whoever had their picture in the dictionary under ‘coward’ needs to have their picture replaced with this guy.
RJ long should be celebrated as a hero, not just for what he did on the last day of his life, but also for everything he did in the short 20-years of his life. Meanwhile, Brandon Morrissette should be vilified as one of the most cowardly and despicable humans alive for the rest of his wretched remaining days.