Nashville school shooter’s manifesto leaked by right-wing loudmouth
You may or may not know that I left the Nazi-infested cesspit formerly known as Twitter a couple of months ago. The reason I didn’t leave sooner after BloodEmeralds McHairpiece took it over was I thought if you have a gospel to preach, you go to where the sinners are. In my case, I wanted to preach the gospel of ‘guns are for cowards’ to the right-wing gun nerds that inhabit Twitter. Then, a few months ago, Elongated Muskrat claimed he was going to sue the Anti-Defamation League after the ADL said Twitter was full of ‘virulent antisemitism’. After that, I could no longer sit at a table of Nazis, lest someone think of me as one. So I acted like an airport and announced my departure. (You can follow me on Threads, Mastodon, Facebook, or Post instead.)
The reason I told that story is to tell this one. In my day job, I’m kind of a social media manager, so I oversee the company’s Twitter account. When I logged into the account this afternoon, I noticed that ‘Nashville Manifesto’ was trending. I knew exactly what they were talking about.
When the Covenant School shooting happened in Nashville, it was reported the shooter, Aubrey Hale, had a manifesto that was left behind at her family home. I knew there was an ongoing legal battle over the manifesto. There have been several lawsuits to either release the manifesto, or keep it private. The last I had heard, the matter was still being tied up in the courts. I thought maybe the issue had finally been resolved, and the manifesto had been made public.
Before we get to the punchline of this sick joke, I have always been in favor of releasing manifestos like this to the public. I believe that making material like this public will help identify future shooters. They can also highlight where law enforcement may have failed in their duties and help other agencies from making their mistakes. I was livid when the Columbine ‘Basement Tapes’ were destroyed.
I also don’t subscribe to the theory that releasing these materials will inspire copycats. Copycats have already been inspired and will continue to do so whether these materials are released or not. Just about every major school shooting since Columbine has been inspired by Columbine. That’s 24 years of copycats.
But back to the matter at hand. The images leaked on Twitter, that have now been shared countless times, have a watermark on them. At first, I thought the watermark said ‘Lobster Chowder’. Then I realized it said ‘Louder with Crowder’, the name of the podcast hosted by alleged spousal abuser Steven Crowder.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Crowder, he’s yet another right-wing blowhard who lives to ‘own the libs’. You may recognize him from the meme…
I really hoped someone was trolling Crowder by giving him a phony manifesto. And while authorities haven’t confirmed the images as being legitimate, they’re not exactly denying it either.
So, for the purposes of this post, let’s assume it is the actual manifesto. Crowder released three images of it. I’m not going to post them here, but they’re not hard to find.
The first image released is a page in a notebook that’s titled ‘Death Day’ and it’s dated the day of the shooting. After some writing about the planned shooting, that page ends with “I hope I have a high death count.” and “Ready to die.”
The second image is from the same notebook, but the page is dated from February. On it, Hale allegedly goes on a rant about private school kids and wanting to kill them. She refers to them as little crackers and fa**ots.
The last image contains a minute by minute schedule of how she planned to attack the school.
So, if I’m all about transparency when it comes to school shootings, why am I upset Crowder leaked the manifesto? Because he didn’t do it out of any sense of justice for the victims.
If you’ll recall, Aubrey Hale was transitioning and identifying as a male. She referred to herself as Aiden Hale. Many of her friends knew her as Aiden. Crowder is using the manifesto to point at left-leaning people, but more importantly the trans community, as dangerous killers.
So, bravo Steven Crowder, you found the one liberal school shooter. But before you celebrate by drinking the tears of libs, let’s have a little history lesson. Let’s list some of the right-wing school shooters.
There’s been Nikolas Cruz of the Parkland school shooting, William Atchison of the Aztec High School shooting, Incel Prime Elliot Rodger of the Isla Vista shooting, Chris Harper-Mercer of the Umpqua Community College shooting, and let’s throw in Ethan Crumbley of the Oxford High School shooting since he thought his shooting would get Joe Biden impeached. Do I need to go on?
Let us also not forget that it’s right-wing legislation that enabled Aubrey Hale. In Tennessee, there is no law regulating the sales of AR-15-style rifles or high-capacity magazines. There is also no waiting period in Tennessee. Hale was able to legally purchase seven weapons, including two AR-15s, within a year.
By releasing the manifesto, Steven Crowder outed himself as an irresponsible and reckless assclown. He cherry-picked the three pages of the manifesto that would elicit the most outrage from his audience and other bigots. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation previously said…
…the killer did not write about specific political, religious or social issues. In fact, a primary focus in the journals is on idolizing those who committed prior school shootings.
But that doesn’t fit Crowder’s narrative, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. By doing so, he’s put a target on people who had nothing to do with the shooting. People who follow Crowder aren’t the type to have a friendly discussion about gun reform and trans rights. They’re more likely to be the death threat type of crowd, and potentially the ‘carry out hate crimes’ kind of crowd. And Crowder just released them on the nation like a pack of armed rabid dogs.
There will be blood on Steven Crowder’s hands, the question is, will he even care? It’s highly unlikely.
Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with this…