Columbine to remain standing and why I now think it should be torn down
Back in June, the Superintendent of Jefferson County Schools in Colorado, Jason Glass, sent out a survey to the families involved with the school district on whether or not Columbine High School should be torn down. Mr. Glass was of the idea that Columbine High should be torn down and replaced with a new school in a new but close location. His argument was that a new school in a new location would deter the columbiners and other gawkers from visiting the school as some sort of murder shrine. This culminated with the incident where 17-year-old Sol Pais left her home in Florida to visit Columbine after buying a shotgun in Colorado. Pais took her own life before authorities could locate her.
At the time that the survey was issued, I was torn on the matter. On the one hand, I believed that Columbine should always stand tall in defiance of the twisted troglodytes who believe it to be some unholy ground dedicated to their cowardly idols. On the other hand, not only was the plan to demolish the school backed by former principal Frank DeAngelis, but I could also see the argument being made for better security.
Yesterday it was announced by Superintendent Glass that the results of the survey are in and a slight majority of the participants said that they would rather have the current school remain standing. The letter that Superintendent Glass sent to the community can be seen here.
However, there was something that startled me that came along with the announcement. In Mr. Glass’ letter, he stated that according to the Colorado Sun more than 2,400 ‘unauthorized individuals’ tread on the school grounds just in the past year. Just imagine how many people, and I use that term loosely, have gone to Columbine in the past 20 years as some kind of murder groupie pilgrimage. Every one of those people is a potential security risk. I knew that there were a number of columbiners who would go to the school but in my wildest nightmares, I would have never guessed that it would be this many of them.
If I had known that’s how often the grounds of Columbine were being violated, I would have absolutely called for the demolition of the school. Not only that, but I would have also had the new school relocated as far away as possible from the grounds of the old school and had the new school renamed with new school colors.
Let the murder worshipping mutants graze around in an empty field. This way it’ll be easier to keep them penned in like the animals they are.